pondělí 12. května 2014

For Further Research

RIAA Website

The official Recording Industry Association of America’s website offers an explanation of what music piracy is and describes it as “real, ongoing and evolving challenge” (2014). The website also explains who is hurt by music piracy, what its scope is and how are they fighting it.

Digital Music Consumption on the Internet by Luis Aguiar and Bertin Martens

A report by Luis Aguiar and Bertin Martens focuses on how is music consumed online and the effects on the music industry. It also studies the relationship between legal and illegal music purchases and their evolution.

UpVenue Artists’ Opinions Compilation

The UpVenue website offers a compilation of a number of artists from a variety of different music genres and their opinions on music piracy. Mostly, the opinions are in favor of music piracy, as the artists view it as a tool for spreading quality music, free advertising and advertising of music as a form of art.

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