pondělí 12. května 2014

What the Experts Say II - Digital Music And Online Sharing: Software Piracy 2.0?

This article published in Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) by  Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, G. Lawrence Sanders, takes a look at some of the similarities between music and software piracy. It focuses mainly on the demographic groups involved in music pirating and their reasons for music pirating. One of the topics discussed in the article is the effects of price of music and Internet speed on music pirating; it concludes that increase in either leads to increase in music pirating. The most commonly used argument of proponents (those in favor of music pirating) is them “sampling” the music they download for later purchase in case they enjoy it. This argument, according to the article, is false, as those who took part in the survey, carried out by the authors, hardly ever search for “unknown” music and download music they already know from other sources instead. It also touches the issue of the music industry future, in case music pirating keeps growing at the same rate as it has been so far.

The link: 

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